Anand Mahindra took to Twitter this morning to share words of wisdom with its 8.4 million followers. The Chairman of the Mahindra Group, who is currently in the United States, shared a video of his friend’s dog who was the basis of his council of life. The video shows the […]
Day: August 12, 2021
How Hackers Stole $613 Million In Biggest Ever Cryptocurrency Heist
Pirates pirates left Cryptocurrence’s hospitality Tuesday, flying $ 613 million in digital parts from the Poly platform of the tokens exchange platform, to return $ 260 million. Here’s what we know so far on the heist What is the poly network? A less known name in the world […]
Rakesh Jhunjhunwala’s New Airline May Order 70 Boeing 737 Max: Report
Public Offering a housing finance company that focuses on the Retail of the Aptus Value of Indian financial housing subscribes to 10.41 times, collecting offers for 57.38 crore equity shares against the size of the IPO of equity shares 5.51 crore on August 12, subscription data, exchanges show. The portion […]
Aptus Value Housing Finance IPO subscribed 10.41 times on the final day; QIB booked 20.61 times
Public Offering a housing finance company that focuses on the Retail of the Aptus Value of Indian financial housing subscribes to 10.41 times, collecting offers for 57.38 crore equity shares against the size of the IPO of equity shares 5.51 crore on August 12, subscription data, exchanges show. The portion […]