Mumbai Kotak Mahindra Bank on Sunday said it’s pursuing” legal action”againstco-founder and managing director of the fintech Bharatpe Ashneer Grover and his woman Madhuri in connection with the vituperative call matter.
The lender conceded that the couple had on October 30 transferred a legal notice to it, without evolving on the reasons for the same. According to media reports, the couple had indicted the bank of failing to secure finance and allocation of shares in the Nykaa original public offer (IPO) and sought ₹ 500 crore in damages.
“This notice was entered by us and was replied to meetly at the time, including placing on record our expostulations to unhappy language used by Grover. Applicable legal action is being pursued,”a media statement from the megacity-headquartered lender said.
It, still, didn’t unfold on the exact point over which the legal action is being pursued.
When communicated, a prophet for Bharatpe declined to note on the developments.
Last week, an audio clip surfaced on social media where a couple is purportedly speaking to what appears to be a relationship director from a bank. The manly voice hurls abuses and the other manly voice is heard pacifying him. It was suspected if it’s the Grover couple in the viral clip, and Ashneer Grover denied the same calling the vid as” fake”.
Mr Grover said it’s a fake audio by”some scamster trying to wring finances (USD bitcoins)”and added that he” refused to buckle”.
“I have got more character. And, internet has got enough scamsters,”he twittered.
BharatPe serves over 75 lakh merchandisers across 150 metropolises. The company has formerly eased the disbursement of loans totalling over ₹ crore to its merchandisers since its launch. BharatPe has raised over USD 650 million in equity and debt, till date.
Its investors include Tiger Global, Dragoneer Investment Group, Steadfast Capital, Coatue Management, Ribbit Capital and others.