Flipkart has apologized for marketing errors that see the e-commerce platform promoting kitchen equipment on a female day. On International Women’s Day 2022, which was observed yesterday, Flipkart sent a message that many social media users were found to be deaf and sexist. “Dear customers, this woman’s day, let’s celebrate. Get kitchen utensils from ₹ 299 [SIC],” read the message. Message strengthens negative stereotypes about women included in the kitchen, many social media users feel.
Flipkart clearly did not see the problem in promoting kitchen equipment on a female day, but twitter users certainly did it and called the company for it.
One Twitter user shares a screenshot from the message and wrote: “Can you find a problem here?” Their tweet blew with almost 5,000 ‘likes’ and hundreds of comments.
The message attracted social media anger because many showed that the flipkart marketing strategy alluded to equalize women with cooking and kitchens.
In the reaction around the message of women’s day grows, Flipkart tweeted an apology. “We are messed up and we apologize,” wrote an e-commerce company on Twitter. “We don’t mean to hurt anyone’s sentiment and apologize for the message of the woman’s day before,” he added.
Meanwhile, Flipkart is just one of the many companies that missed a sign with a woman’s daily message. Twitter users also share examples of several other people who capture the negative gender stereotypes.