A trend can be described as the general trajectory in which something changes, develops, or inclines. It can also refer to a fashion or a craze, commonly known as a fad. The verb “to trend” signifies the process of evolving or shifting in a general direction. Within the realm of social media, when something trends, it becomes a topic of numerous posts.
In the business sphere, a trend represents a gradual pattern of change in a process, output, or condition, reflecting an average or overall tendency. For instance, if I were to state, “There has been a trend towards shorter-term mortgages,” it indicates that more individuals are opting for shorter-term mortgages. In other words, a tendency has emerged favoring shorter-term mortgages.
The Financial Times’ glossary of terms – ft.com/lexicon – has the following definition of the term:
“The general manner in which a specific situation is undergoing change or development.”
Etymology of ‘trend’
The study of word origins and the evolution of their meanings, known as etymology, sheds light on the etymology of “trend.”
The Online Etymology Dictionary says , the verb “trend” emerged in English during the 1590s, denoting “to run or bend in a certain direction (of costs, rivers, etc.).”
It originated from the Middle English word “Trenden,” signifying “to revolve, turn, roll about.” “Trenden” derived from the Old English word “Trendan,” with meanings of “roll, revolve, turn around.”
The Old English word, in turn, can be traced back to the Middle Low German “Trint” and the Middle Low German word “Trent,” signifying “boundary, ring.” The connections beyond the Germanic languages remain uncertain.
The noun form of “trend” appeared in 1777, representing “the manner in which something bends.” It was not until the 1950s that the word also acquired the connotation of “a prevailing new tendency in popular fashion or culture.”
In financial markets, trends refer to perceived tendencies of price movements in a specific direction over time. These trends can be categorized as secondary for short time frames, primary for medium time frames, and secular for long time frames.
Determining trends with confidence is only possible in hindsight. This is due to the inherent uncertainty of future price movements, making it difficult to predict them accurately at any given point.
Bull Markets
A bull market, or bullish trend, denotes a market where prices generally exhibit an upward trajectory. Investors who adopt a bullish stance anticipate price increases, thereby expressing optimism regarding future performance.
Bear Markets
Conversely, a bear market, or bearish trend, signifies a market characterized by falling prices. Investors adopting a bearish outlook expect further price declines, reflecting a pessimistic sentiment.
Outside the realm of finance, the term “trendy” applies to individuals, styles, or objects that are considered fashionable or up to date. A trendy person stays current with the latest trends, while trendy hairstyles and clothing epitomize fashionable choices.