Tech Mahindra share price touched a 52-week high of Rs 1,204.80, rising 7 percent within the early trade on July 30, each day after the corporate reported better-than-expected numbers for the June quarter. The company reported a 30.8 percent jump in its first-quarter (April-June) net income at Rs 1,353.2 crore against Rs 1,081.4 crore within the quarter ended March 2021. […]
Tatva Chintan doubles investors money on debut, what should investors do now?
Specialty Chemical Company Tatva Chintan Pharma Chem has doubled investor money on the day of registration, with the stock of 129.6% to strike a high intraday of 2,486.30 rupees, on July 29th. Most experts advise to keep the stock for the long term in view of the health of society. […]
Tata Sons arm to acquire controlling stake in Tejas Networks for nearly Rs 1,890 crore
Tejas Networks, a telecommunications and network company, Thursday announced an arm of Tata Sounds acquires the participation of the participation by 1 890 crore of 1 890 crore in a multi-step transaction. The company has executed final agreements with Panatone Finvest, a subsidiary of Tata Sons (TATA Group Management Company), […]
Distribution Software: Give Your Business the Wings it needs to Flourish and Prosper
An effective and cost-effective distribution system is the key to success for any products based on products. But, due to numerous reasons, most companies of this type can not design a results-oriented strategy. With changing times, the market and their demands are also changing. And, any business that shows resistance […]
4 Funds Invested in Adani Firms Have History of Bets Gone Wrong: Report
Four Mauritius-based funds that attracted attention to parking almost all their money in a company controlled by Indian billionaire Gautam Adani had a history of investing in companies that ended default or investigated for errors. Before they put around 90 percent of $ 6.9 billion in management in the Adani […]
Sensex, Nifty fall over 1%; here are 5 factors behind the sell-off
Equity benchmark India Sensex and Nifty are shaken under pressure throughout the council sold in intraday trading on July 28. The sensex flagship index fell more than 750 points while the good floated near 15,500 in morning trade, reflecting weak global cues. According to media reports, the Nasdaq Golden Dragon […]
All About Dentist Digital Marketing
Does your dental clinic need more attention? When we think about marketing, we don’t often think about how it relates to healthcare. After all, healthcare is a basic need, so why should you need to market it as if it were a commodity? Believe it or not, dentist digital marketing […]
ShareChat raises $145 million from Temasek, Mirae, others at near $3 billion valuation
Indian social network ShareChat on July 27 said its parent has raised $145 million led by Temasek, valuing it at $2.88 billion, above the $2 billion it had been valued at in April. Mohalla Tech, which runs ShareChat and short video app Moj, also raised money from Koren asset manager Mirae and Moore Strategic […]
Byju’s Acquires Education Platform Great Learning For $600 Million
Digital learning platform Byju’s has acquired education platform Great Learning and after-school learning app Toppr. Byju’s has spent $600 million to accumulate Great Learning while $150 million are spent on acquiring Toppr, consistent with media reports and regulatory filings. the event has come but every week after it acquired the US-based online reading platform for youngsters , Epic for $500 million. In April this year, […]
Why Byju’s is betting big on the upskilling space
Byju’s most valuable Indian internet company, on July 26 said it had acquired the great learning platform for $ 600 million and it would invest $ 400 million more in this segment, because it was seen expanding education services globally throughout the category. This acquisition is the final step by […]