The share price of Bharat Heavy Electricals (Bhel) fell 18 percent intraday on June 14 after the company announced the March quarter income. Some are delayed selling orders 80,675 shares, without buyers available. The clean loss of the consolidation of the company narrowed to Rs 1,036.32 Crore in the March […]
Subscribe to Shyam Metallics and Energy: Choice Equity Broking
Choice Equity Broking IPO Report About Metallics and Shyam Energy Shyam Metallics and Energy Ltd. Integrated Metal Producing Company and Energy Ltd. (Smel), plan to increase until RS. 909CR through the IPO, which opened on June 14. And closed on Jun 16. 2021. Price ribbon is Rs. 303 – 306 […]
US House Introduces Antitrust Bills To Rein In Power Of Big Tech
Washington: A bipartisan group of lawmakers in the US House of Representatives introduced four bills on Friday aimed at reining in the power of the tech giants, with one potentially leading to their break-up. Two of the bills address the issue of giant companies, such as Inc and Alphabet […]
ATM Cash Withdrawal Charge, Debit Card, Credit Card Fee to Increase Soon
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has allowed banks to increase charges on automated teller machines (ATMs) to Rs 21 per transaction. The lenders can levy charges on customers within this limit, once they exhaust their free ATM withdrawals. This revised rate will be effective from January 1, 2022, the […]
Sensex, fresh nifty scale scale; 5 key factors that comply with the market
The Sensex and Nifty market benchmarks reached a new high of 52,626.64 and 15,835.55 in morning trade on June 11 amid positive global cues. Synchronization with benchmarks, the BSE MIDCAP and ScatCap index, also touched the highest of all time 23,045,01 and 25,248.88. The Indian market has been among the […]
FDA denies the Emergency Agreement of Mitra As Bharat Bio for Covaxin Vaccine
In a setback that has the potential to delay the launch of Covid-19 Vaccine Covaxin Bharat Biotech in the United States, the food and drug administration there has been “recommended” Ocugen Inc., US partners from Indian vaccine makers, to go for biology license applications (BLA). Routes with additional data, Nixing […]
Can a Personal Loan be Written Off?
The loans availed by individuals from a bank are considered to be assets by the lender. From the perspective of the bank, these loans are a way to earn interest. So, what happens when an individual fails to repay the loans? When borrowers fail to pay back the loan amount […]
Why Traders Face loses at futures trading
Forex market provides many opportunities to the traders but if they can’t grab the right opportunity, they will lose money. Remember, you can’t deny the risk of trading. So, you have to know how to limit the loss for making money in the market. However, professionals can minimize the loss […]
According to reports, the Adani Group plans to launch OPO from its airport and food business
According to reports, the Adani Group is planning to list two more companies in their businesses in the stock exchanges of India, after the market capitalization of their six listed companies that emerged more than 5 times in the last year. According to media reports, airport and food businesses in […]
The price of Indian Bata action increases by 5% despite the bad numbers of Q4
The price of the Action of Bata India increased more than 5 percent intraday on June 10 even though the company reported a poor set of numbers in the quarter ended March 2021. The company reported that 23.2 percent has fallen into its net profit at RS 29.4 Crore against […]