The Sensex and Nifty market benchmarks reached a new high of 52,626.64 and 15,835.55 in morning trade on June 11 amid positive global cues. Synchronization with benchmarks, the BSE MIDCAP and ScatCap index, also touched the highest of all time 23,045,01 and 25,248.88. The Indian market has been among the […]
Day: June 11, 2021
FDA denies the Emergency Agreement of Mitra As Bharat Bio for Covaxin Vaccine
Views: 729
In a setback that has the potential to delay the launch of Covid-19 Vaccine Covaxin Bharat Biotech in the United States, the food and drug administration there has been “recommended” Ocugen Inc., US partners from Indian vaccine makers, to go for biology license applications (BLA). Routes with additional data, Nixing […]
Can a Personal Loan be Written Off?
Views: 1247
The loans availed by individuals from a bank are considered to be assets by the lender. From the perspective of the bank, these loans are a way to earn interest. So, what happens when an individual fails to repay the loans? When borrowers fail to pay back the loan amount […]