The central government has collected around Rs 94,181 Crore in revenue through customs in gasoline and diesel from April to June 2021, the State Minister for Finance Pankaj Choudhary said at Lok Sabha on July 19.
“Customs rates have been calibrated to produce resources for infrastructure and other development goods that are in accordance with the applicable fiscal situation,” Choudhary said, adding that the average share of Customs Center on Petroleum Products 2017-18-2020- 21 In gross income collected by Union is 12 percent.
Choudhary replies to questions about Cess worn on gasoline and diesel.
In addition, in a reply to a separate question about the same subject, the Minister of State for Petroleum and Natural Gas Rameshwar Teli said that currently Customs in unlucky gasoline is at Rs.32.90 per liter and 31.80 per liter Diesel.
Teli said that for 2020-21, the center had collected Hospital 3.45 lakh crore in customs for petroleum products. That number was Rs 1.98 lakh Crore in 2019-20 and Rs 1.78 lakh Crore in 2018-19.
The teli also told the house that for July 2021 so far, the price of a basket of Indian crude oil reached $ 74.34 per barrel, which was the highest monthly price since October 2018, reflecting a surge in global commodity prices.