Former ICICI Bank CEO Chanda Kochhar and her husband Deepak Kochhar had been arrested with the aid of using the CBI on Friday in a case connected to alleged irregularities in an over ₹ 3,000-crore mortgage supplied to the Videocon Group while she became heading the non-public quarter financial institution. […]
Tag: ICICI Bank
What should ICICI Bank investors do with Q3 earnings; buy, sell or hold?
Views: 452
The share price of Bank Icici edged higher in the initial trade on January 24 after the company stated in December quarter income. On January 22 Bank Icici reported more than 25% of net profit growth for Q3FY22, to Rs 6,193.81 Crore from Rs 4,939.59 Crore in the same quarter […]
ICICI Bank independent director quitting to avoid potential conflict of interest
Views: 503
Icici Bank yesterday based on stock exchange information that Rama Bijapurkar will drop as an independent director starting tomorrow for the potential conflict of interest. Bijapurkar in his resignation letter revealed that he was engaged to educational institutions where he taught market and business strategies and was associated with a […]