Innovations are transforming everything. Modern means of communication are replacing the old ones. Digitization is now the new norm. Whether you are transacting business or sending a document, you can do all these virtually. Also, you no longer need physical files as you can save all your records on the cloud.
Despite these changes, some traditional concepts are thriving. Physical mails is one of them. Business and corporates are using letters as a mean of communication. This is happening in the era of email and other business communication platforms. Businesses are sending direct mails to their clients and stakeholders.
Surprisingly, this option seems to thrive and standout. As a digital enthusiast, you might be wondering why the physical mails still important in this era. Here are some reason why this is so:
They enhance personalization
Personalization is a defining power in modern market. Your customers want to have a personal touch to make a purchase decision. For instance, if you are selling a book to them, you must address them individually. They must feel that this product is designed and dedicated to the alone.
Doing this in the digital arena is usually a challenge. In this space, people use similar templates and formats on their emails. Also, they said the same email to different recipients and only change the receivers’ names. Physical mails are different.
When you receive a letter under your name, you feel honored and valued even before opening it. This aspect raises your interest on the message sent through the letter. Hence, direct mails are a good way of giving your target customers a personal touch.
It can boost your brand awareness
In the digital flood, every business is seeking a reel to hold on. They are competing for a recognition of their spaces. But with thousands of brands selling the same products online, customers are likely to forget their names. This means that a customer can buy from you to day but will not recall your brand’s name tomorrow.
The case is different for direct mail. Since customer receive a physical letter, they are likely to recognize and keep a memory of a particular brand. Letters are also easy to read and remember than the online ads.
People will recall a message from the letter for a longer time than one they see via digital platforms. So, letters can be a nice idea to boost your brand awareness and memorability.
Easy to integrate with mailing technology
Many entrepreneurs avoid using physical mails due to the tedious task it attracts. You think of buying printing supplies, preparing the mails, packaging them in their respective envelopes, and going to the post office to send them. This process is tiresome and turn many people to the emailing option.
However, you can send your physical mails online. But how is this possible? You will need is to find a credible online mailing service provider. This provider will offer a platform to allow you scan and upload your physical letters. Your target recipient will receive the mails in digital or physical form depending on their preference.
For this reason, it is easy to integrate your physical mails with your mailing technology. You will not only cut costs but also retain a traditional communication approach that works seamlessly with your digital marketing strategy.
High chances of getting the message home
The desire of every brand owner is to get their message home. You want your target audience to listen or read the information shared with them. In most cases, this is hard to achieve especially when you share it via email.
People receive hundreds of email each day. They are likely to ignore some and mark them as read without even opening. Your emails might also end up in the spam box. All these possibilities will limit the chances of your target to get the intended message.
Direct mails are different. Every person will likely open every physical letter they receive and read it. The chances of ignoring it are low to zero. Hence, using physical letters always gets the message home which is the reason why they remain relevant to date.
Low competition
No doubt, every brand is online. Each business is trying hard to gain the highest online visibility and brand recognition. For this reason, they are investing heavily on digital marketing approaches. Each venture has a digital marketing strategy that prioritizes email, social media, and online campaigns.
Only few brands are paying attention to direct mail campaigns. As brands crowd the online sphere, they miss an opportunity to deliver their brand message. The aspect also creates low competition for direct mailing. The low competition means that audience will receive few physical letters. So, they will likely read the letter than the emails.
Human beings love tangible elements
Certainly, your experience is different when you receive a tangible document from the virtual ones. You will likely be happy when brand sends you a tangible coupon or gift card physically then when you receive it online. This is the human nature. People feel happy when they can see and touch certain things.
By sending direct physical mails, you fulfil this gratification. People will have a sense of value and honor when they receive a letter from you. This way, they will develop a strong connection with your brand than when you do the same virtually.
Opportunity for total attention
Physical mails attract 100% attention. People are eager to see what the letters are all about. They will go through each letter as they fear that they might miss some important information. This aspect would not happen on emails.
When opening your email inbox, you have a range of tabs running on your browser. These tabs are likely to steal your attention from the emails. You will not go through the mails in case some notifications pop up. For physical mails, you have zero distractions when viewing them. So, they become crucial documents for getting your message to targets directly.
In a word, physical mails remain a crucial marketing and communication channel in the corporate world. So, despite digitizing your processes, do not wish it away.