Sustainable energy pertains to energy generated from sources that can be repeatedly utilized and are not at risk of depletion or expiry.
According to Invest, a non-profit organization focused on green technology, sustainable energy encompasses any energy generation, efficiency, and conservation source that meets the following criteria: the availability of resources that facilitate extensive scaling to become a substantial portion of energy generation in the long term, preferably for a duration of 100 years.
Renewable energy and energy efficiency are the two fundamental elements of sustainable energy, often regarded as the “twin pillars” of sustainable energy policy.
Renewable energy refers to energy obtained from renewable sources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves and geothermal heat. These energy sources are naturally replenished and nearly inexhaustible.
Energy efficiency is the reduction in the amount of energy required to run a product or service. This can be achieved through more efficient technology or more efficient processes. For example, modern energy-efficient refrigerators use about 40% less energy than they did in 2001.
The Cambridge Business English Dictionary defines sustainable energy as:
“Energy that is produced using the sun, wind, etc., or from crops, rather than using fuels such as oil or coal which cannot be replaced.”
Renewable energy technologies
The International Energy Agency states that there are three generations of renewable technologies, reaching back more than 100 years.
According to the IEA’s “Renewables in Global Energy Supply” fact sheet:
“First-generation technologies emerged from the industrial revolution at the end of the 19th century and include hydropower, biomass combustion, and geothermal power and heat – some of which are still in widespread use.
“Second-generation technologies include solar heating and cooling, wind power, modern forms of bioenergy, and solar photovoltaics.”
“Third-generation technologies are still under development and include concentrating solar power, ocean energy, enhanced geothermal systems, and integrated bioenergy systems.”
Green energy and green power
Green energy comes from sources that are naturally replenished. Natural sources that produce green energy include wind, rain, tides, sunlight, algae, and geothermal heat. These green energy sources are reducing our dependence on fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas).
The demand for green energy is highly dependent on its cost. As the cost of green energy falls, its demand will increase.
According to a 2018 Forbes article, citing a report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), “The cost of renewable energy is declining very rapidly, and within a few years it will outstrip conventional fossil fuels. should be a consistently cheap source of power.”
According to Mother Nature Network, “Advancements in renewable energy technologies are reducing the cost of solar panels, wind turbines and other green energy sources, putting power generation capacity in the hands of people instead of oil, gas and coal.” Now.” and Utilities.
“Green energy can replace fossil fuels in all major uses, including electricity, water, heating and motor fuels.”